

Benefits Of Automation in The Restaurant Industry

Automation in the restaurant industry is an indication that the future is already here with us. It began with computers while robots were still just an idea, and now, it wouldn’t be surprising to see a robot serving you food at a restaurant. Automation in the restaurant industry can happen in various sectors and levels, [...]

Restaurant Expert Witness: Ultimate Guide On The Best Qualities To Look For!

If you're looking for a restaurant expert witness, it's important to know what to look for. Not all food experts are created equal, and you need to ensure you find someone qualified to testify in court. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss the key things you need to look for when choosing a restaurant [...]

6 Essential Elements Of A Restaurant Website

A restaurant website is not just a website. It should have unique features. Therefore, the hospitality industry should know the essential elements of a  restaurant website. Are you interested in creating a website for your business? As the name suggests, a restaurant is where people go to eat and relax. However, it can be challenging [...]

Door Dash Diversification To Show Support To Minority CPG Businesses

It's no surprise that DoorDash Diversification has changed the world. When you think of the internet, you never really think of grocery shopping, but if you're an online shopper trying to get your groceries delivered to your door, Doordash is there. Doordash started some years back as an app that let people order their favorite [...]

Here Is What You Should Know When Hiring Restaurant Staff

Whether you are a quick-service restaurant, fast food, family or casual dining, or a fine dining restaurant, your employees make or break your business. New food businesses open shops every day. That means customers have a lot of options to choose from. While having mouth-watering delicacies and exotic menus is a must-have to stand out, [...]

How to Incorporate a Restaurant Quality Assurance Audit in Your Restaurant

Most restaurant managers and owners focus on restaurant quality assurance rather than food safety. The evidence of this can be seen clearly in most news stories on restaurants that do not have food safety programs being implicated for foodborne illnesses and other food safety-related issues. Quality control in the restaurant industry is significant as it [...]

How Food Safety Expert Witnesses Help in Cases of Foodborne Illness

Foodborne illness has a variety of causes, and the food service industry may rely on food safety expert witnesses for reliable opinions following a foodborne illness-related lawsuit or when consulting for detailed expert reports. Foodborne illnesses can be devastating, especially when a large number of victims are affected by a restaurant or manufacturing company. It’s [...]

Will Restaurant Staff Be Required To Be Vaccinated?

Restaurant owners might never have imagined the restaurant worker vaccine mandate. Yet that obligation is currently on. In some regions, for example, restaurant staff vaccine status and customers are being checked. If your region has not yet proposed a vaccination mandate, will it spread to your area? What if it does, and what can you [...]

By |September 1st, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Engineering Chain Restaurant Menus

Many consumer decisions are made based solely on a chain restaurant’s menu. There are a lot of factors that go into a menu that consumers don’t think about such as pricing, availability of ingredients, allergies, food manufacturing capability, daypart interest by potential consumers, etc. How do you navigate all of these considerations while keeping your [...]

Tips for Managing a Chain Restaurant During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit restaurants especially hard. Dropping temperatures have made outdoor dining impractical, and the need for proper ventilation has vexed some restaurants trying to offer indoor dining.  With all the changes that have happened in 2020, you may need chain restaurant management advice to navigate our “new normal.” You need Juelene Beck [...]