Yearly Archives: 2021


How to Incorporate a Restaurant Quality Assurance Audit in Your Restaurant

By |November 1st, 2021|Restaurant Management and Operations|

Most restaurant managers and owners focus on restaurant quality assurance rather than food safety. The evidence of this can be seen clearly in most news stories on restaurants that do not have food safety programs being implicated for foodborne illnesses and other food safety-related issues. Quality control in the restaurant industry is significant as it [...]

How Food Safety Expert Witnesses Help in Cases of Foodborne Illness

By |October 1st, 2021|food safety expert witness|

Foodborne illness has a variety of causes, and the food service industry may rely on food safety expert witnesses for reliable opinions following a foodborne illness-related lawsuit or when consulting for detailed expert reports. Foodborne illnesses can be devastating, especially when a large number of victims are affected by a restaurant or manufacturing company. It’s [...]

Will Restaurant Staff Be Required To Be Vaccinated?

By |September 1st, 2021|Uncategorized|

Restaurant owners might never have imagined the restaurant worker vaccine mandate. Yet that obligation is currently on. In some regions, for example, restaurant staff vaccine status and customers are being checked. If your region has not yet proposed a vaccination mandate, will it spread to your area? What if it does, and what can you [...]