Yearly Archives: 2020


Engineering Chain Restaurant Menus

By |December 1st, 2020|Restaurant Management and Operations|

Many consumer decisions are made based solely on a chain restaurant’s menu. There are a lot of factors that go into a menu that consumers don’t think about such as pricing, availability of ingredients, allergies, food manufacturing capability, daypart interest by potential consumers, etc. How do you navigate all of these considerations while keeping your [...]

Tips for Managing a Chain Restaurant During COVID-19

By |November 2nd, 2020|Restaurant Management and Operations|

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit restaurants especially hard. Dropping temperatures have made outdoor dining impractical, and the need for proper ventilation has vexed some restaurants trying to offer indoor dining.  With all the changes that have happened in 2020, you may need chain restaurant management advice to navigate our “new normal.” You need Juelene Beck [...]